afro centric bible study

This Biblical Studies is designed to bring the commnity and members of local congregations, and other interested persons together weekly to respond to the critical challenges facing the Black faith and community from an Afro-Centric perspective. During the study secession, they will be reminded of the value of the Christian education and the necessity of their own spiritual formation and growth, they are taught about Christian education from an African American perspective, and they are reminded of the church's role in the community and in society at large. Bible study leaders will be selected for each period and will lead an two hour long Bible study. The general format for each session will include: Opening devotion; topic overview; presentation of key concept; group discussion (exercise); question/answers; and new assignments. Content experts will be brought in occasionally to speak on specific topics.


Black Theology. Provides the foundation for black theology, exploring the black/African religious experience, and combining the black religious experience with the affirmations of the Christian Creed.

AFRICAN PRESENCE IN THE BIBLE. This course answers questions that help African-American Christians view the Bible through an Afro-centric lens.

Theologies of Liberation. Critical examination of black, African, Latin American, and feminist theologies of liberation, interpreting models of action and reflection as the Christian faith confronts racism, classism, and sexism.

AFR0CENTRIC CHRISTIANITY. Is it possible to be culturally Afro-centric and a devout Christian at the same time? This course will provides theological assessment of Afro-centrism and its relationship to Christianity.

THE MYTH & MEANING OF MALCOLM X. This class analyzes a selective group of writings by and about Malcolm X.

GOD’S WORD AND MY SALVATION. This class discusses topics such as salvation, sin, the trinity, along with answers to the frequently asked questions about speaking in tongues, conservatism, women preachers and many more.

WHAT MAKES YOU SO STRONG. This class is multifaceted. We learn about the patriarch of ancient Israel, the poets and prophets of the exile, a barren woman and a favored queen, a capricious judge and three devout young prisoners of war. This class reveals a candid snapshot of God.

SPACE FOR GOD. This course teaches students the practice of prayer, spirituality, meditation and the importance of journaling daily meditations.

Martin Luther King Day Symposium

The Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr. Treats King as a theologian, evaluating his understanding of Christian doctrines and examining his contribution to theological ethics.

A Christian Spirituality of Restorative Justice. In this course we will investigate a Christian spirituality of justice in which God’s aim for creation is not destruction—rather, it is restoration. Students will take seriously the meaning of Christian spirituality in this endeavor as themes of prayer and spiritual disciplines make sense of how God uses persons for restoration.

Foundations of Emancipatory Theology. Exploration of some of the factors which contribute to the Christian understanding of freedom, and the theological imperatives which inform the quest for human emancipation. Special focus will be placed on the biblical, historical, and contextual foundations of the theological discourse, with major emphasis on the Black experience.